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新津守Ⅱ.関節リウマチ画像診断と評価,最新の関節軟骨MRI 日本臨牀第74巻.第6号2016.6

新津守My Hobbyホルンと水着.ラジオロジー2016;NO.26:6.


Osawa I, Aoki T, Ushimi T, Inoue K, Tanaka J, Niitsu M: Development of a new prototype body holder for MR examination of unanesthetized neonates. The 24th Annual meeting and Exhibition of International Society for ISMRM, 2016 May Singapore.

Kozawa E, Takahashi M, Tanisaka M, Kato T, Yasauda M, Hasegawa K, Sakai F: Assessment of endometrial and uterine volumes in postmenoposal women and estrogen-producing ovarian tumor patients by using 3D-volume isotropic spin-echo sequence. The 75th Annual Meeting of the japan Radiological Society Yokohama, japan April 14-17, 2016

Tanaka J, Niitsu M, Nagatsuka S, Hoshino Y, Kido K, Oda H, Mimura T, Momose A, Kozawa E: Clinical evaluation of a new X-ray imaging system based on Talbot-Lau interferometry: comparison of patients with RA to healthy volunteers. The 75th Annual Meeting of the japan Radiological Society Yokohama, japan April 14-17, 2016

Osawa I, Aoki T, Ushimi T, Inoue K, Tanaka J, Niitsu M: New Prototype Body Holder for MR Examination in Unanesthetized Neonates. The 75th Annual Meeting of the japan Radiological Society Yokohama, japan April 14-17, 2016

Inoue K, Aoki T, Ushimi T, Sugita N, Tachibana Y, Tanaka J, Niitsu M: Detection of the knee bone-cartilage interface alteration using texture analysis of UTE-T2*map. The 75th Annual Meeting of the japan Radiological Society Yokohama, japan April 14-17, 2016


